Presidents Day
February 2, 2024

Today I’m going to talk a little about Presidents Day.

George Washington birthday (February 22) was officially declared a federal holiday by an act of the Congress in1879. The holiday was officially assigned the third Monday in February by the uniformed Monday holiday act in 1971.


There is an iconic sculpture at Mt.Rushmore in the South Dakota Black Hills depicting four of our most famous presidents. In 1937 there was an appropriate bill introduced to include the likeness of Susan B. Anthony on the monument, but federal funds could not be used for the carvings that were already underway and the funds bill went dead.


These two presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were considered the most famous presidents of our time. This all changed in1971. There are a lot of interesting facts about some of our presidents. James Madison was only 5feet 4 inches tall and attended Princeton University and received a graduates degree. President Lincolns log cabin in Kentucky and was his childhood home inspired the Lincoln logs blocks in which many children grew up with. Ulysses S. Grant was arrested for speeding in Washington DC. Going too fast in his horse and buggy and received a $20.00 ticket.


President’s day is also getting to know about our Constitution of the United States, Bill of Rights and the declaration of Independence. These are just a few of the interesting facts that are also celebrated on Presidents Day.


There many books, papers and movies that talks about Presidents Day and all of our past Presidents and up to date with our current presidents. This is just a few of our Presidents Day information things we talked about today. There are by far many more things these great men did to make this world a better place to live and raise a family.


I want to wish all of you a very happy Presidents Day and also enjoy the day off with your families.

