Health and Welfare
January 11, 2024

Today I’m going to be talking about health and welfare, I’m 74 years old and I like to think that I am in pretty good health. I wear a Fitbit Versa watch that monitors my steps, how many  floors I do, heart beats per minute, hourly activity, weight, nutrition, water intake and hourly activity and monitors my sleep stages.

I average around 5000 to 10000 steps per day. I usually start by walking from the place where I park and walk to work which is about a half mile from my place of employment. Once I get into the building I get dressed up for my daily work duties. I calibrate two x-ray machines and two walk through metal detectors and all the time I’m doing this my Fitbit is keeping track of my activity. Around 8:30 am I start my walk of 10 floors of the building I work in which includes steps.

Each floor is the distance of a city block(about250 steps per floor). I start on the basement floor. I then go up 26 steps to the first floor then complete the first floor and then I go up 33 steps to the second floor and complete the second floor. The 20 steps to the third floor and there are window sills along the third floor hallways. I stop at about every third window sill and do five push-ups at about four of the window sills(a total of 25 push-ups).

Then up 20 more stairs to the fourth floor, then I walk the fourth floor to the next hallway to 20 more stairs to the fifth floor. I complete the fifth floor and another 20 steps to the sixth floor. I then go to the next hallway and another 20 stars to the seventh floor. I’m doing this at a pretty brisk walk and it keeps my heart rate at about 95 to130 or beats per minute. I then proceed up another 20 steps to the 8th floor and complete that floor to the next hallway up another 20 steps to the 9th and final floor. I then complete the 9th floor and get ready to go back to the 1st floor to go to my next area. I forgot to mention that I do all this activity wearing a15 pound bulletproof vest. I usually complete the entire floors and stairs in about 18 to 22 minutes.

I try to constantly move throughout the rest of the morning until my lunch hour. I have my lunch hour from 10;00am to 11;00am. I walk to pick up my lunch about a quarter mile each way(half mile). I usually get a sandwich with pickles and potato chips and with a bottle of vitamin water. After I finish lunch and with the time I have left I will get a little nap in.

After lunch I go back to a work area and for the next hour and a half I monitor machines and screen people coming into the building. I finish up my day at about 3;15 pm and go dress down back into my civilian clothes and get ready to depart work.

I then leave the building and walk the half mile back to my parking area and get into my car and leave for home. By this time of the day I usually have over 10000 steps on my fit bit and about 30 to 40 floors that I have completed for this portion of the day. Once I’m home I get ready for dinner and I will have meat and vegetables with mashed potatoes. After dinner I then come home and relax and get things ready for the next day.

I usually put around 60 to 70 thousand steps on my fit bit (about 5 to 8 mile) in an active physical activity every week.. sometimes it’s less and sometimes it’s more. So now you have an idea of what my daily and weekly routine is and I hope I didn’t bore you with too many of the details. I normally don’t do this routine on weekends. I will cut down my routine to get a little rest and recovery and some down time.

You all have a blessed day.